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Application for Phase I of funding

Submission of project applications is possible on an ongoing basis, but these will be collected by March 31st, August 31st and November 30th.

Who is the applicant?
Applications for Phase I of funding are submitted by the university or research institute.

Stage I of the application procedere - project outline

In Stage I project outlines of the research teams are submitted by the university or research institution. Applicants are requested to use the electronic application system easy-Online.

The documents for the first stage include:

  • Information on the founding team (Appendix I.1)
    • Form in accordance with Appendix I.1 for each person, supplemented by a copy of the most recent certificate
  • Ideas paper according to structure (Appendix I.2a)
  • Work planning: Detailed explanation and scheduling of the work packages (Appendix: I.2b)
  • Intellectual Property Rights Statement (Appendix I.3)
  • Declaration of the mentor (Appendix I.4)
  • Declaration of the founding network (Appendix I.5)
  • Declaration of acknowledgment of the facts relevant to the subsidy (Appendix I.6)
  • Declaration of information on the fact sheet on respect for the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union (Annex I.7)
    easy sketch (online submission system easy-Online)

The completed documents are to be submitted in electronic form via the easy-Online portal as well as in paper form (in original) to Project Management Jülich (PtJ),

All applications for the EXIST grants have to be in German (EXIST Business Start-up and EXIST Transfer of Research).

The project outlines will be reviewed with regard to form and content requirements as per BMWK guidelines for EXIST Transfer of Research.

Stage II of the application procedere- complete documents

Following a favourable review of the project outline the applicant will be requested to present the proposal to an expert jury and to submit a formal application.
The documents for the second stage include:

  • Project application form "AZA" or "AZK"of the easy-Online application system, in electronic format via the easy-Online portal and in paper form with legally binding signature of the university or research institute.
  • Cognizance of the facts relevant for subsidies (appendix I.6)

Completed documents are to be submitted in electronic form via the easy-Online portal and in paper form (in original) to the Project Management Jülich (PtJ).
The project description and work plan do not have to be submitted again unless the review leads to a request for additional information that will be requested by the Project Management Jülich (PtJ).

Where may applications be submitted?
Project outlines and applications are submitted by the university or research institute to Project Management Jülich (PtJ), which has been commissioned by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action.

Application at:

Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH
Projektträger Jülich (PtJ)
Geschäftsstelle Berlin
Postfach 610247
10923 Berlin

Funding Guideline EXIST Research Transfer

The EXIST Research Transfer funding guideline came into force on 09.12.2014. The BMWi funding program EXIST Research Transfer is co-financed by the European Social Fund. Corresponding adjustments to be observed in the grant can be found in the annexes to the grant notice and on the websites of the European Social Fund.

Forms for grant applications, guidelines, leaflets and ancillary provisions can be obtained from the "form cupboard" of the BMWi. The electronic application system "easy-Online" must be used for the application.

ESF questionnaire

Participant Questionnaire on European Social Fund (ESF) Projects

The following questionnaire collects data on participants in European Social Fund (ESF) projects. Your information will be used by the program managers to fulfill the reporting requirements within the framework of the legal requirements as well as to check whether the implementation of the projects complies with the requirements. Therefore, please answer the following questions with care. Your data will only be processed anonymously and will not be used for personal evaluations. You will need about 5-10 minutes to complete the questionnaire.

You can find the questionnaire on

Application for Phase II of funding

The application for funding in Phase II of funding may be submitted six months before Phase I of funding is to end, provided the start-up is going to be pursued further.

Who is applicant?

The application submission is carried out by the newly created venture or by a business in the course of formation (Unternehmen in Gründung, i.G.). The formation must be completed (entry in commercial registry) and evidence of the necessary equity must be supplied before funding can begin. At least one person in the management of the new company should be a specialist with the essential know-how from Phase I of funding. Entrepreneurs active in the company must own significantly more than 50% of the company shares.

What documents habe to be submitted with the application?

  • Project application form "AZK" – of the easy-Online application system, in electronic format via the easy-Online portal and in paper form with legally binding signature
  • Detailed business plan (Appendix II.1)
  • Presentation of results of Phase I of funding (Appendix II.2)
  • Description of the proposal and work plan for Phase II of funding (Appendix II.3)
  • Memorandum of association of the business.
  • Evidence of financing own contribution.
  • As far as relevant, contractual agreements with the university or research institute regarding acquisition of patent or licence rights.
  • Cognisance of the facts relevant for subsidies (Appendix II.4)

Completed documents are to be submitted in electronic form via the easy-Online portal and in paper form (one original) to Project Management Jülich (PtJ).

Where applications may be submitted?

Project outlines and applications are submitted by the university or research institute to Project Management Jülich (PtJ), which has been commissioned by the BMWi.

Application at:

Research Centre Jülich GmbH
Project Management Jülich (PtJ)
Office Berlin
postbox: 610247
D-10923 Berlin


Extension and adjustment of the EXIST Transfer of Research funding guideline.

The new funding guideline came into effect on 9th December, 2014. It replaces the previous funding guidelines for EXIST Transfer of Research dated 15th March, 2012. The BMWi funding programme, EXIST Transfer of Research, is co-financed by the European Social Fund. Relevant modifications that have to be considered for this grant can be found in the appendix of the notification of grant award and on the website of the European Social Fund.
Pre-printed forms for funding applications, guidelines, bulletins and incidental provisions can be retrieved from the BMWi "form cupboard" Applicants are requested to use the electronic application system "easy-Online".

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Download applications and guidelines

In our download area you will find the applications and information on EXIST research transfer

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