

EXIST Transfer of Research

EXIST Transfer of Research supports outstanding research oriented projects that involve expensive and high-risk resource development.

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Terms and conditions for EXIST Transfer of Research

EXIST Transfer of Research has two phases of funding:
In the first phase, results of research that have the potential of becoming the basis of a start-up business are developed further. The objective is to carry out further resource development to clarify fundamental problems involved in converting academic findings into technical products and processes. The business concept based on these findings should be made into a business plan and the planned business start-up should be prepared systematically.

In the second phase of funding further resource development, measures to start business operations and meeting the prerequisites for external business financing are at the centre of interest.

EXIST Transfer of Research
EXIST is a funding programme provided by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action.

What is the objective of Phase I of funding?

The objective of the first phase of funding of EXIST Transfer of Research is to carry out resource development to verify technical feasibility, to develop prototypes, to work out a business plan and finally to start up a business.

Who is supported in Phase I of funding?

Research teams at universities and research institutes (a maximum of three academics and technical assistants) and one person with managerial competence.

How does the funding work?

The funding is normally provided for 18 months in both funding phases. In the case of highly innovative projects, phase I can be extended to up to 36 months.

Funding phase I

  • Staff costs
  • Material expenses of up to €250,000 for objects of utility, capital goods, consumable materials, protected proprietary rights, tender awards and coaching sessions

Funding phase II

  • Staff and material costs up to €180,000, but at most 75% of the project-specific costs.

How can we apply for funding?

Project applications can be submitted at any time; these are collected until 31 March / 31 August / 30 November, and then screened and evaluated. Applications should be sent to Project Management Jülich, which has been entrusted with this work by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action.


Funding applications

Information and documents for the application of funding phases I and II

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The Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) funding programme, EXIST Transfer of Research, is co-financed by the European Social Fund. Relevant modifications that have to be considered for this grant can be found in the appendix of the notification of grant award and on the website of the European Social Fund.

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